On Teaching: Do No Harm 2

Do No Harm

by Joel Lurie GrishaverJoel Lurie Grishaver

The Chofetz Chayim teaches:

If after giving a situation much thought, a teacher comes to the conclusion that a particular student has a behavioral or learning problems and feels that it will not be possible to deal with the problem without the involvement of the principal, other teachers, or the student’s parents, then the teacher should speak to the necessary parties without delay.


My Story. Your Story. Our Story. 2

Carol Oseran Starin

God created people because God loves stories—Elie Wiesel, The Gates of the Forest

carol starinJonathan Safran Foer wrote that Jews have 6 senses, the usual 5 plus one more—memory. (Everything Is Illuminated).

At this time of year when Jews throughout the world prepare for Pesah we tend to remember the sedarim of our past.

I’ll never forget the seders of my childhood at Nanny and Gramps’ apartment in Seattle’s Fremont neighborhood. Approaching the building we could see that all four floors of windows were steamy. The minute we opened the lobby door, the smell of gefilte fish smacked us in the face. It stunk up the lobby. It surrounded us in the elevator.
